raccoon dog

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raccoon dog

  1. villikoira, supikoirat, supikoirien suku, supikoira, Nyctereutes procyonides.

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supikoira Nyctereutes procyonoides, the only extant species in the genus Nyctereutes of the Canidae or dog family, native to East Asia, widely introduced elsewhere in other cool parts of Eurasia.
2016, Aisling Irwin, Furry aliens on Europe’s hit list, (w), https://www.newscientist.com/issue/3063%20/ Issue 3063, page 8,

OBLIVIOUS to his sterilisation, Judas the raccoon dog treks through Sweden’s countryside in search of a mate. At last he finds one, only for their liaison to end when she is shot. He trudges on and finds another, but she is killed too. This is his destiny: he is a radio-tagged lure leading hunters to the last live raccoon dogs in the country.


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